64×64 Texture Packs

64×64 texture packs for Minecraft increase the resolution of the game’s textures to 64×64 pixels, which is four times higher than the default resolution of 16×16 pixels. With higher-resolution textures, you’ll see a noticeable improvement. All blocks, items, and mobs will become sharper, more detailed, and overall more visually appealing. You should download and install 64×64 texture packs because they bring a new level of quality to Minecraft. The increased resolution allows for more intricate designs and adds more depth to the game’s world. For example, you’ll see more realistic-looking cobblestones, trees, and grass. Every building will look better with a 64×64 resource pack. Browse our list to get the best 64×64 packs.

Default HD texture pack
The Default HD texture pack takes a common idea, similar to Faithful, by improving Minecraft with higher resolutions. However, it doesn’t stop at 32×32 textures. But like many …
Bedless Noob 350k Texture Pack (1)
This texture pack was released for the fans of YouTuber Bedless Noob. It will give you an advantage in Bedwars …
Realism Mats Texture Pack
The Realism Mats texture pack has become more and more popular. The success is also completely deserved because the Moroccan developer makes Minecraft so realistic that you almost …
Optimum Realism texture pack
When we began to write this article, we had to do a double-take to make sure that the screenshots we were looking at were still taking place within …
Tooniverse texture pack
Many people who play Minecraft would consider it to already be a very “cartoony” game. After all, nothing in Minecraft is meant to be seen as real. Today, …
Luna HD texture pack
The Luna HD texture pack was created by an Indian Minecraft fan who earns his living with this project. It’s not always easy to get orders as a …
Limitless Texture Pack
Minecraft needs some improvements to keep up with newer video games. Fortunately, there are a lot of resource packs on the internet that you can download to make …
SapixCraft Texture Pack
The SapixCraft texture pack is one of the few packs that is playable in different resolutions. To be more precise, there are a total of five different versions …
Patrix Texture Pack
Today, we will present the Patrix texture pack, which is perhaps the best realistic pack available. To begin with, there are four different resolutions available, but it is …
Misa's Realistic Texture Pack
If you’re searching for one of the most successful and oldest Minecraft resource packs, read this article. Misa’s Realistic texture pack has a long development history. Originally, the …

What are 64×64 Texture Packs?

Some years ago you would have had to install OptiFine or McPatcher if you want to play 64×64 packs because Minecraft was originally developed for 16x packs only. This has changed and now high-resolution textures with 64x pixels are normal and you don’t need any additional programs to run them. YouTubers and streamers also love this resolution. The reason for this is that you can make the game world look more detailed, and still every new viewer will immediately see that it is Minecraft. Also, you can download 64×64 resource packs with mobile devices, game consoles, and computers. This is not always possible either. By the way, the most popular project in this category is Faithful 64x, which was created by a whole team of volunteers.

In summary, texture packs with 64x pixels are a great thing, and they don’t take long to install. You will surely find a project in our list that matches your expectations. Please download only free files, because this is a very common thing with this resolution. Unless you are playing on a console, then you can only download Marketplace textures. Now you know everything important and can start reading our reviews yourself. But before that, we recommend you to watch our YouTube video about the ten best 64×64 texture packs for Minecraft.