POM / PBR Texture Packs

POM / PBR texture packs for Minecraft are special high-end textures that enhance the game's graphics by adding more depth and realism to blocks and some items. The acronym POM stands for Parallax Occlusion Mapping. It is a shading technique that adds depth to flat surfaces by creating the illusion of three-dimensionality. PBR, on the other hand, stands for Physically Based Rendering. It refers to a rendering process that accurately simulates how light interacts with different materials in real life. It's incredible that this is possible in Minecraft. Browse our list and learn everything about each project. Some of them are completely free, other ones have free trial versions and a few are only available on Patreon.

Realism Mats Texture Pack
The Realism Mats texture pack has become more and more popular. The success is also completely deserved because the Moroccan developer makes Minecraft so realistic that you almost …
Thumbnail showing bricks from the RealisCraft Texture Pack.
RealisCraft texture pack is one of the most detailed packs you can find. Developed by user Scropio Graphics or known as GalanticCraft, this pack adds much more realistic …
Optimum Realism texture pack
When we began to write this article, we had to do a double-take to make sure that the screenshots we were looking at were still taking place within …
Luna HD texture pack
The Luna HD texture pack was created by an Indian Minecraft fan who earns his living with this project. It’s not always easy to get orders as a …
Limitless Texture Pack
Minecraft needs some improvements to keep up with newer video games. Fortunately, there are a lot of resource packs on the internet that you can download to make …
Minecraft 3D blocks in vanilla style from the Pixlli texture pack.
Pixlli texture pack is a really good option if you want a detailed version of Vanilla Minecraft. Unlike other texture packs that redefine the texture completely, the Pixlli …
rotrBLOCKS texture pack for Minecraft
Most Minecraft players love it when resource packs stay true to the normal graphics. The rotrBLOCKS texture pack also has clear similarities with the original look of the …
Patrix Texture Pack
Today, we will present the Patrix texture pack, which is perhaps the best realistic pack available. To begin with, there are four different resolutions available, but it is …
Stratum Texture Pack
Computers have become more and more powerful in recent years and therefore video games have also become more realistic. To be honest, you can’t include regular Minecraft here, …

Download POM / PBR Texture Pack

When POM and PBR techniques are combined in a Minecraft texture pack, the results are unbelievable. Imagine walking through a generated village in Minecraft and gazing at a cobblestone wall. With a standard texture pack, the stone would look flat and painted. However, with POM, the block appears to have depth, as if it's actually real cobblestone. POM is a rendering technique that gives the illusion of depth and relief to 2D textures in Minecraft.

You should download these texture packs with POM / PBR because they greatly improve the overall visual quality of the gameplay. With POM and PBR, you'll see sharper and more detailed Minecraft 3D blocks, as well as more realistic shadows and reflections if you also download one of the realistic shaders. Shadows and reflections are only working with shaders. Minecraft PBR revolutionizes visual fidelity by mimicking real-world material properties, such as gold, wood, and stone. With PBR texture packs and POM texture packs, Minecraft's graphics become astonishingly lifelike.

System Requirements

In terms of system requirements, you'll need a powerful computer to run these POM and PBR packs smoothly with high FPS. Ideally, you should have a graphics card with at least 2 GB of RAM and a processor with at least 4 cores. If you want to install them, please read our installation guides. It's also important to have a fast internet connection. These resource packs are often several gigabytes in size and can take a while to download. Most of them are not available for mobile gamers.

You will be amazed by the difference POM and PBR textures make to your Minecraft world. So, why not give them a try? You won't regret it.