Vividity Texture Pack 1.20, 1.20.6 → 1.19, 1.19.4

Vividity Texture Pack

The Noxcrew has published some great projects. Most of them were great adventure maps built with a lot of creativity. But now they have come up with something new and that is the Vividity texture pack. It’s perfect for Minecraft adventurers because it gives you a whole new gameplay experience.

Firewolf Texture Pack 1.17, 1.17.1 → 1.8

Firewolf Texture Pack

Firewolf texture pack has some special features to offer. At first, when you see the screenshots, you will have the feeling that the colors are very warm and the textures are cartoon-style. However, this appearance is a bit deceptive. The warm colors are the result of Sildur’s Vibrant Shader, which the creator used for the shots.

Conquest Texture Pack 1.21, 1.21.4 → 1.20

Conquest Texture Pack

There is a suitable Minecraft texture pack for almost every theme. This thesis also fits in this case, because the Conquest texture pack is perfect for a medieval map. There is a special connection with the original John Smith pack, because the textures were originally based on it.

1×1 Texture Pack 1.20, 1.20.6 → 1.19.4

1x1 Texture Pack

Many creative Minecraft projects have been released over time. One of them is the Faithful 1×1 texture pack that we’re going to show you now. It is absolutely unique because it is so incredibly simple and reduces the pixels to a minimum.

Bedless Noob 200k Texture Pack

Bedless Noob 200k Texture Pack

YouTuber BedlessNoob has released something very special for his fans. It’s the official Bedless Noob 200k texture pack. For a long time, his subscribers have been waiting for the release and now it’s finally available. In our opinion, the textures are beautifully designed and you will immediately notice a difference compared to his older packs.

oCd Texture Pack 1.21, 1.21.4 → 1.20

oCd Texture Pack

You probably don’t know the oCd texture pack yet, but that doesn’t matter. It was originally released by the owner of the YouTube channel FVDisco to make his Minecraft videos look more beautiful. For sure, the pack has made the Australian, who is also a talented mapmaker, even more famous. However, that was back in 2011 and a lot has happened since then.

Unity Texture Pack 1.19, 1.19.4 → 1.18.2

Unity Texture Pack

The Unity texture pack may seem unspectacular at first, because it is a default edit. However, the first impression that the environment looks like vanilla Minecraft is deceptive, because there are significant differences, which will be explained to you below.

FaithfulVenom Texture Pack 1.21, 1.21.4 → 1.20


YouTuber AntVenom has uploaded many Minecraft videos in the past and after some time he realized that the normal vanilla Minecraft is too boring for him. That’s why he decided to create and publish his own FaithfulVenom texture pack. It was very important for him to realize his own graphic ideas and started with a basic change of colors.

Dramatic Skys Texture Pack 1.21, 1.21.4 → 1.20

Dramatic Skys Texture Pack

The Dramatic Skys texture pack sets completely new standards and makes the sky look much more realistic. Some changes have been made to achieve this authentic result, such as the redesign of all clouds and unique HD sky variations for over 80 biomes. Normally, Minecraft clouds have a square shape.