Better Animals Texture Pack 1.21, 1.21.4 → 1.20

Animal texture pack

If there’s one thing that almost defines us as human beings, it would have to be our collective shared love of animals. We review a really great Animal texture pack, otherwise known as “Better Vanilla Animals”, that you can get for Minecraft. It changes the appearance of some mobs and keeps the vanilla feel.

Anime Texture Pack 1.21, 1.21.3, 1.21.1 → 1.20

Anime texture pack

Anime has come a long way since it became a big deal in the early 2000s. Anime culture has been around for far longer than that, but we’d argue that around this time, and during the late 90s, anime really started to take its roots in modern culture. Fast forward to today and it’s nearly impossible to find an adult male who hasn’t watched anime shows like Dragon Ball Z or Pokemon.

Optimum Realism Texture Pack 1.21 → 1.20

Optimum Realism texture pack

When we began to write this article, we had to do a double-take to make sure that the screenshots we were looking at were still taking place within Minecraft. It’s not often that we see a pack for Minecraft that changes the look of the game so dramatically with new blocks.

Zelda Texture Pack 1.21, 1.21.3, 1.21.1 → 1.20

Zelda texture pack

The Legend of Zelda texture pack for Minecraft was created by a user by the name of Moldomre, who has been putting work into the project for over 5 years. The main menu, first of all, has a very nice Zelda finish and almost looks like something Nintendo would put out.

Visual Enchantments Texture Pack 1.21 → 1.20

Visual Enchantments texture pack

When enchanting an item, the Visual Enchantments texture pack displays a texture that shows which enchantment was applied. Our favorite is the flame bow which is visualized by an animated flame arrow. This is a really cool feature that makes Minecraft feel much more like a traditional RPG.

Super Mario Texture Pack 1.21 → 1.20

Super Mario texture pack

We’re here today to talk about an awesome pack that you may not have seen yet, simply called Super Mario Craft or just Super Mario texture pack, featuring a theme made in the style of the retro arcade classic video game Super Mario Bros. Minecraft and Nintendo is a perfect combination.

Star Wars Texture Pack 1.21, 1.21.3 → 1.20.6

Star Wars texture pack

If you’re reading this article, then we’ve got just the droids you’ve been looking for! If what we just said about droids there is confusing, that was just a little Star Wars humor for you, an old meme that we can all relate to about how difficult it can be to find droids one has misplaced or otherwise forgotten about entirely.

Round Trees Texture Pack 1.21, 1.21.3, 1.21.1 → 1.20

Round Trees texture pack

You can customize your Minecraft world down to the smallest detail. We will explain in this article how you get round trees in Minecraft. You will need the Round Trees texture pack for Minecraft. As a result, all tree logs will look more realistic. The special thing is that the textures match Minecraft Vanilla perfectly.

FullBright Texture Pack 1.21, 1.21.4 → 1.20

FullBright Texture Pack

Even for those with perfect eyesight, dimly lit games can prove to be extra tricky. Players struggle to enjoy gameplay that involves beating dungeons with dimly lit caves or nighttime play. In Minecraft, this hurdle is overcome by installing and utilizing the FullBright texture pack. The FullBright resource pack lights up dimly lit areas.