Pixel Perfection Texture Pack 1.21 → 1.20

Pixel Perfection Texture Pack

More than ten years ago, when Minecraft was far from being so popular, the player XSShep started his project Pixel Perfection texture pack. Actually, it was meant just for him, but due to the large amount of time he spent on it, he decided to release the pack.

rotrBLOCKS Texture Pack 1.21, 1.21.4 → 1.20

rotrBLOCKS texture pack for Minecraft

Most Minecraft players love it when resource packs stay true to the normal graphics. The rotrBLOCKS texture pack also has clear similarities with the original look of the game. Accordingly, the style is very similar, but still the textures look much better and more realistic.

Jicklus Texture Pack 1.21, 1.21.4 → 1.20

Jicklus Texture Pack

The best way to describe the Jicklus texture pack is with these three words: medieval, rustic and classic. This will give you a first preview of what you can expect. By the way, this project came about because the creator combined his two packs Jicklus Green and Orange into one big texture pack.

Vividity Texture Pack 1.20, 1.20.6 → 1.19, 1.19.4

Vividity Texture Pack

The Noxcrew has published some great projects. Most of them were great adventure maps built with a lot of creativity. But now they have come up with something new and that is the Vividity texture pack. It’s perfect for Minecraft adventurers because it gives you a whole new gameplay experience.

Wanderlust Texture Pack 1.18, 1.18.2 → 1.16.5

Wanderlust Texture Pack

To be honest, it’s hard to categorize the Wanderlust texture pack because the textures are so colorful. The style is most reminiscent of the Middle Ages, because some blocks don’t look very modern. However, there is also a similarity with Faithful 32x, because both packs have the same resolution. In our opinion, Wanderlust is better and you can find out why now.

FaithfulVenom Texture Pack 1.21, 1.21.4 → 1.20


YouTuber AntVenom has uploaded many Minecraft videos in the past and after some time he realized that the normal vanilla Minecraft is too boring for him. That’s why he decided to create and publish his own FaithfulVenom texture pack. It was very important for him to realize his own graphic ideas and started with a basic change of colors.

Faithful 4×4 Texture Pack 1.20, 1.20.6 → 1.19

Faithful 4x4 Texture Pack

You might think that the Faithful 4×4 texture pack is the normal default pack, but that’s not true. The resolution of 4×4 is significantly lower than the standard 16×16 pixels per block that you know from Minecraft vanilla. While the graphics are significantly more pixelated, a big advantage of this low resolution is that you get much higher FPS.

Epic Adventures Texture Pack 1.21 → 1.20

Epic Adventures Texture Pack

Created by Toby Plowy, an artist from Belgium, the Epic Adventures texture pack was first released in 2017. The name aptly describes the pack, as it immerses players in a world filled with dramatic Minecraft adventures solely through changes to the environment’s appearance.

BlockPixel Texture Pack 1.21, 1.21.4 → 1.20

BlockPixel Texture Pack

Already in 2011 the BlockPixel texture pack for Minecraft has been released. Back then the creator played Minecraft for the first time and he didn’t like the square blocks. So he decided to create his own textures to make the environment look nicer.