Minecraft 1.19.3 Texture Packs

You can browse the best Minecraft 1.19.3 texture packs for the Minecraft Wild Update on this page. Unlike the 1.19.2 packs, this update adds a lot of new game content. This also means that some new textures have been ported to Minecraft. We recommend you to download a resource pack for 1.19.3. The Mojang development team has experimentally added camels to the gameplay. This mob won’t be officially playable for everyone until the major Minecraft 1.20 update. However, you can already play with them by activating a data pack in 1.19.3. In order to do this, you need to allow experimental features in your Minecraft world. Furthermore, new decorative blocks are added, which are also part of the Minecraft 1.19.3 texture packs. This is less interesting for survival players, but the creative inventory has been reworked and is reorganized as well. By the way, Mojang has announced that Minecraft updates are released more often. This list features freshly updated 1.19.3 texture packs for Minecraft. We recommend you to download three packs, test them and finally decide which pack you want to play with in the next weeks. Have fun with the new camels, bamboo blocks, hanging signs, chiseled bookshelves, and bundles!

Running Minecraft player without and with the Invisible Armor texture pack.
The Invisible Armor texture pack makes all armor and trims fully transparent, allowing your Minecraft skin and outfit to shine through without the bulky look of armor. Not …
Night Vision Texture Pack
It can quickly get a little darker at night when using Minecraft shaders. Sometimes you’ve been in a cave so long that you’ve run out of torches. In …
Colorful and modern GUIs of the crafting table, enchanting table, and cartography table.
The Colourful Containers GUI texture pack for Minecraft is a useful tweak, allowing players to customize the GUI (graphical user interface) without modifying the code. It transforms all …
Default HD texture pack
The Default HD texture pack takes a common idea, similar to Faithful, by improving Minecraft with higher resolutions. However, it doesn’t stop at 32×32 textures. But like many …
Better Dogs Texture Pack
Dogs are easier to tame than cats, but over time, it can become boring when there is only little variation in their appearance. This is where the Better …
No Fog texture pack in a village.
The No Fog texture pack effectively removes all types of this rendering feature across Minecraft’s dimensions, enhancing clarity in the Overworld, Nether, and End. This includes distance fog, …
Glowing Ores Texture Pack
Imagine you’re deep inside a dark, spooky Minecraft cave: Now, think about spotting shiny ores without having to light up the place with a million torches. Sounds way …
Visible Ores Texture Pack
The great thing about Visible Ores texture pack for Minecraft is that it is allowed on all public servers. However, read the server rules carefully if you are …
Realism Mats Texture Pack
The Realism Mats texture pack has become more and more popular. The success is also completely deserved because the Moroccan developer makes Minecraft so realistic that you almost …

The pack_format has been changed to 11. Accordingly, you will get a warning message in Minecraft if you try to install an old 1.19 texture pack that is not yet updated to 1.19.3. You can ignore this warning, but the pack that causes the error message will not contain all textures, so we advise you to download an up-to-date pack from our list. You should do that anyway because almost 100 bugs have been fixed in 1.19.3.

Check out our Minecraft 1.19.3 shaders, which you can download for free. Together with the texture packs, your game world will be more beautiful.