Minecraft 1.15 Texture Packs

The most striking detail of the Minecraft 1.15 full version is that bees now appear in various places in your game world. So the official name of the update is “Buzzy Bees”, which is self-explanatory. From this point on, we have paid special attention to our Minecraft 1.15 Texture Packs selection, so that new textures such as honeycombs, beehives and honey bottles look especially beautiful. As you’ve come to expect from us before, we’ve made sure that there are no bugs or faulty blocks and items in our collection. Of course, all of the packs listed here are playable without any problems in versions 1.15.1 and 1.15.2. In the end, the structure of the texture packs remains about the same for each current version, except for some minor changes. However, we recommend you to read and have a closer look at our reviews, because every single 1.15 Pack offers different focuses and improvements. It’s best to carefully select a Minecraft Texture Pack and then go to one of the flower forests, where bees’ nests are most likely to spawn. But watch out, the new Minecraft bees can get nasty too!

The Asphyxious Texture Pack
We would like to show you the Asphyxious texture pack. Once downloaded, your Minecraft environment will undergo a complete transformation. The standout feature of this pack is its …
Clear Glass Texture Pack
Many Minecraft players want to customize their world to their liking. The Clear Glass texture pack is a good add-on for this purpose. It only changes a small …
Compliance 64x Texture Pack
For a long time Faithful was developed by a large team. Unfortunately, at some point the harmony ended because the project leader felt too powerful in his position …
Faithful 64x64 Texture Pack
Since its first release, Faithful 64x has had a simple goal: to provide players around the world with a higher-resolution version of Minecraft. In this article, we will …
Excalibur texture pack
As a gamer, sometimes you might find yourself wanting to go on an adventure. This can mean different things to different people, but adventures usually have a certain …
rotrBLOCKS texture pack for Minecraft
Most Minecraft players love it when resource packs stay true to the normal graphics. The rotrBLOCKS texture pack also has clear similarities with the original look of the …
Minecraft 3D blocks in vanilla style from the Pixlli texture pack.
Pixlli texture pack is a really good option if you want a detailed version of Vanilla Minecraft. Unlike other texture packs that redefine the texture completely, the Pixlli …
Better Leaves Texture Pack
Minecraft trees are significantly improved by the Better Leaves texture pack. Normally, the leaves on trees are not exactly a highlight and looks especially unrealistic. This is now …
Running Minecraft player without and with the Invisible Armor texture pack.
The Invisible Armor texture pack makes all armor and trims fully transparent, allowing your Minecraft skin and outfit to shine through without the bulky look of armor. Not …
Night Vision Texture Pack
It can quickly get a little darker at night when using Minecraft shaders. Sometimes you’ve been in a cave so long that you’ve run out of torches. In …