Smoube Texture Pack 1.21, 1.21.3, 1.21.1 → 1.20

Smoube Texture Pack

After about a year of development, the Smoube texture pack for Minecraft has finally been released. At first, it was only available on Patreon, but fortunately, you can now download it for free. New updates will be released so that everything is always complete.

Stoneborn Texture Pack 1.21 → 1.20

Stoneborn Texture Pack

Stoneborn texture pack consists of several add-ons, which all contain different textures. The creator was inspired by the medieval times and gave the new designs an old-fashioned touch. He is probably also a fan of RPG games, because there are undoubtedly clear parallels to this video game genre.

Better Leaves Texture Pack 1.21, 1.21.3, 1.21.4 → 1.20

Better Leaves Texture Pack

Minecraft trees are significantly improved by the Better Leaves texture pack. Normally, the leaves on trees are not exactly a highlight and looks especially unrealistic. This is now changing with this add-on. They are by default semi-transparent blocks with branches, at least on larger trees. It also makes a Minecraft forest look incredibly boring.

Aluzion Texture Pack 1.18, 1.18.2 → 1.8.9

Aluzion PvP Texture Pack

You won’t think so right away, but the Aluzion texture pack by Lootylinte is not only created for online combat. You can use it in other contexts as well because the textures look like a cartoon. It is not a classic PvP pack. Nonetheless, a lot has been done to give you an advantage in multiplayer.

Visible Ores Texture Pack 1.21, 1.21.4 → 1.20

Visible Ores Texture Pack

The great thing about Visible Ores texture pack for Minecraft is that it is allowed on all public servers. However, read the server rules carefully if you are unsure. It will help you find diamonds, ancient debris and all other minerals. Compared to X-Ray, it is a legal alternative that is very popular among players. Although you don’t get X-Ray vision, the addon is still a great help in caves and the Nether.

Faithless Texture Pack 1.21, 1.21.4 → 1.20

Faithless Texture Pack

In Minecraft, there are normally no limits. However, there are a few restrictions that some players may encounter, including those with disabilities who may have difficulty playing the game. While not all problems can be solved, the Faithless texture pack, which got popular on Reddit, can be a good starting point.

Luna HD Texture Pack 1.21, 1.21.4 → 1.20

Luna HD texture pack

The Luna HD texture pack was created by an Indian Minecraft fan who earns his living with this project. It’s not always easy to get orders as a freelancer, so he decided to work on it full time. Obviously, this wasn’t possible from the beginning, but by now the project is extremely successful and earns him several thousand dollars a month. Nevertheless, the fun is in the foreground and not earning money.

Squid Game Texture Pack

Squid Game Texture Pack

The Korean Netflix series is a phenomenon, as it was the number one most popular series in a very short time. This huge success has made the actors famous all over the world. You can now download the Squid Game texture pack for Minecraft. It contains outfits, weapons, and small easter eggs.