Minecraft 1.21.2 Texture Packs

Download Minecraft 1.21.2 texture packs to experience the Bundles of Bravery game drop with the latest textures. With the new update cycle introduced at Minecraft Live 2024, you no longer have to wait for huge new releases. Instead, smaller updates like this one arrive faster, bringing new blocks, mobs, and items to your gameplay. This means you can jump into exciting content more frequently. Check out our curated list of texture packs for 1.21.2 to find the best one and start playing with all the new features right away!

Fresh Animations Texture Pack
Initially, it may not be immediately apparent what changes the Fresh Animations texture pack makes. However, you do not have to search for a long time in Minecraft …
Xray Texture Pack
XRay texture pack has been the most popular Minecraft pack on the internet for years. For a beginner this will sound strange, because it doesn’t add any new …
FullBright Texture Pack
Even for those with perfect eyesight, dimly lit games can prove to be extra tricky. Players struggle to enjoy gameplay that involves beating dungeons with dimly lit caves …
The Asphyxious Texture Pack
We would like to show you the Asphyxious texture pack. Once downloaded, your Minecraft environment will undergo a complete transformation. The standout feature of this pack is its …
Clear Glass Texture Pack
Many Minecraft players want to customize their world to their liking. The Clear Glass texture pack is a good add-on for this purpose. It only changes a small …
Optimum Realism texture pack
When we began to write this article, we had to do a double-take to make sure that the screenshots we were looking at were still taking place within …
Compliance 64x Texture Pack
For a long time Faithful was developed by a large team. Unfortunately, at some point the harmony ended because the project leader felt too powerful in his position …
Faithful 64x64 Texture Pack
Since its first release, Faithful 64x has had a simple goal: to provide players around the world with a higher-resolution version of Minecraft. In this article, we will …
Excalibur texture pack
As a gamer, sometimes you might find yourself wanting to go on an adventure. This can mean different things to different people, but adventures usually have a certain …

Features in Minecraft 1.21.2 Texture Packs

The highlight of Minecraft 1.21.2 is the introduction of Bundles, something we’ve been eagerly waiting for since they were first announced at Minecraft Live 2020. Bundles act like backpacks, and while they were available in 1.21.1 through the activation of experimental gameplay, they are now fully integrated. Speaking of experimental features, you can also get a sneak peek at the next game drop by enabling experimental gameplay, allowing you to encounter the new Pale Garden biome and the mysterious Creaking mob. However, these additions aren’t officially part of 1.21.2 yet, so not all texture packs in our list will have updated graphics for the forest biome or the new mob. On top of that, new banner patterns can be used and the rarity of items has been improved.

A pale garden forest with blocky trees and two creakings with a higher resolution textures.

For developers, here’s an important update: data packs for 1.21.2 are now version 57, and resource packs have been updated to version 41. If a resource pack shows it’s made for an older version of Minecraft, simply update the pack_version in the mcmeta file to ensure compatibility.

In addition to these features, several smaller bugs have been fixed, although they don’t affect Minecraft 1.21.2 texture packs. Now that you have a better overview, you’re ready to play with new textures and enjoy Mojang’s latest content. Have fun checking out!