Minecraft 1.20.6 Texture Packs

Minecraft 1.20.6 fixes trader llama inventory issues! Find out how Mojang tackled this issue and browse the best Minecraft 1.20.6 texture packs. A hotfix means it’s like a quick patch to fix some problems that popped up unexpectedly. Here, you can find a complete list of textures for this update!

Wayukian texture pack
Imagine stepping into a world that feels like it’s straight out of an old medieval fantasy game. That’s the Wayukian texture pack for you. With its unique blend …
Old texture pack
Have you ever felt a twinge of nostalgia for the good old days of Minecraft? Well, you’re not alone. Many players are turning back the clock by downloading …
Low Fire texture pack
Are you tired of dealing with obstructive fire animations in Minecraft, especially during intense PvP battles? We have the perfect solution for you. Download and install the game-changing …
Majestica texture pack
The Majestica texture pack adds 32×32 blocks and items to Minecraft. In this review, we’ll cover all the features of this medieval-based pack that beautifully blends realistic and …
Alacrity Texture Pack
We’ve got a fantastic new review for you – the Alacrity texture pack for Minecraft. This pack is all about amazing custom textures for building. With Alacrity, you’re …
Outlined Ores texture pack
If you’ve ever played Minecraft, you know how exciting it is to explore vast underground caves and mines in search of valuable ores. However, sometimes these precious resources …
Xali's Enchanted Books Texture Pack
Xalis Enchanted Books texture pack for Minecraft creates new textures for every single book you can get in Minecraft through enchanting. The design for these books is really …
Anti XRay Texture Pack
Are you tired of dealing with players who use XRay texture packs on your Minecraft server? Well, we have some exciting news for you! The German developer Phoenix616 …
Ovo's Rustic Redemption texture pack
If you’re a Minecraft player who loves the medieval aesthetic, then Ovo’s Rustic Redemption texture pack is a must-try for you. This pack has been maintained by the …
Prime's HD Textures
We play a lot of Minecraft of course, since we’re writing articles like these on a regular basis, but it’s easy to lose track of how “old” Minecraft …

What’s Up with Minecraft 1.20.6?

So, you know how sometimes when you’re playing Minecraft, things don’t work quite right? Sometimes even the best texture packs for the Trails & Tales Update are buggy. Well, the guys behind Microsoft’s and Mojang’s Minecraft are always working on new updates and fixing those little issues. This time, they had to fix something that went wonky with trader llamas. Learn more about this in the following text.

What Went Wrong?

If you played 1.20 with this cool trader llama (who doesn’t love those cute, spitting animals?), you’ve loaded it up with all sorts of good items in its inventory. But then, when you update your game to 1.20.5, suddenly some of your stuff disappears from the llama’s inventory! Isn’t that weird?

Items ended up in the wrong slots, and some even vanished into thin air, particularly those nestled in the carpet slot. Don’t fret though; regular llamas were unaffected; it’s the trader llamas feeling the brunt of this mishap.

Thankfully, a player found the bug and posted it in the official bug tracker (MC-271109). With the release of Minecraft 1.20.6 and their new textures, this inconvenience becomes a thing of the past. Now, your trader llamas work as expected.

How to Get the Update for 1.20.6 Texture Packs:

Getting the Minecraft 1.20.6 update is super easy. Just make sure your game is set to automatically update, and it should download the latest version for you. After that, check out our big list of Minecraft 1.20.6 texture packs and resource packs.