The Default texture pack, also known as the “vanilla” pack, is the standard texture pack for Minecraft. It is the first texture pack that players encounter when they start playing the game because it’s pre-installed and it serves as a template for creating custom textures. It was initially created by Markus “Notch” Persson, the creator of Minecraft, and has been updated and refined by Mojang and Microsoft, the companies that now own the game.
Certainly, you may have contemplated creating your own texture pack for Minecraft. One of the major challenges lies in the beginning stage, as many players are unaware of where to source textures as a foundation for their pack. However, this predicament has been resolved with the release of the original Default texture pack by some community members. The official textures of the game have been exported into a resource pack, enabling users to obtain and utilize all blocks, items, and sounds as a template for their custom texture pack.
All in all, the Default texture pack is an excellent starting point for creating custom packs. Many players enjoy creating their own textures for Minecraft, either to personalize their game or to share them with others on our website. The default resource pack provides a solid foundation for these efforts, with clear, easy-to-understand textures that can be modified or replaced. This allows players to experiment with different textures and create unique, customized graphics for Minecraft that reflect their own preferences.
In general, the first step for creating a resource pack involves deciding whether you want to spend money or not. For example, you can install the free programs Gimp and or the paid software Photoshop. Our team primarily utilizes due to its comprehensive set of features for pixel blocks and items. Hence, we suggest starting with the free options. You may have prior experience with image editing. If this is the case, you may already utilize the professional program, Photoshop.
Default was published on May 17, 2009 and is compatible with these Minecraft versions: 1.21.5 – 1.21.4 – 1.21.3 – 1.21.2 – 1.21.1 – 1.21 – 1.20.6 – 1.20.5 – 1.20.4 – 1.20.3 – 1.20.2 – 1.20.1 – 1.20 – 1.19.4 – 1.19.3 – 1.19.2 – 1.19.1 – 1.19 – 1.18.2 – 1.18.1 – 1.18 – 1.17.1 – 1.17 – 1.16.5 – 1.16.4 – 1.16.3 – 1.16 – 1.15.2 – 1.15 – 1.14.4 – 1.14 – 1.13.2 – 1.13 – 1.12.2 – 1.12 – 1.11.2 – 1.11 – 1.10.2 – 1.10 – 1.9.4 – 1.9 – 1.8.9 – 1.8 – 1.7.10 – 1.7.2
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Default Texture Pack Download
Java Edition:
[1.21.5] Download Default Texture Pack
[1.21.4] Download Default Texture Pack
[1.21.3 – 1.21.2] Download Default Texture Pack
[1.21.1] Download Default Texture Pack
[1.21] Download Default Texture Pack
[1.20.2] Download Default Texture Pack
[1.20.1] Download Default Texture Pack
[1.20] Download Default Texture Pack
[1.19.4] Download Default Texture Pack
[1.19.3] Download Default Texture Pack
[1.19.2] Download Default Texture Pack
[1.19.1] Download Default Texture Pack
[1.19] Download Default Texture Pack
[1.18.2] Download Default Texture Pack
[1.18.1] Download Default Texture Pack
[1.18] Download Default Texture Pack
[1.17.1] Download Default Texture Pack
[1.17] Download Default Texture Pack
[1.16.X] Download Default Texture Pack
[1.15.X] Download Default Texture Pack
[1.14.X] Download Default Texture Pack
[1.13.X] Download Default Texture Pack
[1.12.X – 1.11.X] Download Default Texture Pack
[1.10.X – 1.9.X] Download Default Texture Pack
[1.8.X] Download Default Texture Pack
i cant modify the title of pack :/ 1.20.4
is there one for the infinite dimensions snapshot
this site is a brilliant, thx
I don’t know why but I can’t find any waxed item can someone help me?
sounds pls
is it avalible on 1.20.6 ????
this texture pack has a mistake in the game title, instead of “minecraft” it says “minceraft”
wtf mojang needs to fix this :/
i just hope you two are joking
I replaces all of the paintings with my own Custom Paintings.
all the files are in .json and I don’t know how to modify them, does anyone know how to do it?
Just a generic text editor
For some reason, even though I downloaded the 1.20.4 folder and am using 1.20.4, my game is telling me that it was made for an older version of minecraft. So every time I open the game it says in big red letters and my background is now grey instead of the usual panning of a scenery. I’m quite annoyed by this, I can play the game normally, but my home screen background is broken and it’s annoying to have a pop up every time I want to play.
It looks like you need to update the pack.mcmeta file in the texture pack to match Minecraft 1.20.4.
Quick fix:
1. Open “pack.mcmeta” with a text editor.
2. Find “pack_format” and update its value to the one for 1.20.4 (22). (You might want to check the correct pack_format value online.)
I had the same problem. You cab fix it by going into one of the files and deleting the ones there. Watch a YT video on how to make your own Main menu background but instead of adding your own of the file that you’re told to you delete the one already existing.
I download the template and replace milk with cola.
pls add programmer art as a template
How do i get the Armadillo texture from Snapshot 23w52a?
is it avalible on 1.16.5?
bro i want 1.20.4 texture pack
pls release 1.8.9 texture pack
Hi, you can use the 1.8.X download link for 1.8.9
plz release the 1.8.9 texture pack template
pls add texture pack for the 1.16.5
Will DO
There is no color on trees leaves… but I need the colors, how can I get them back?
The leaf textures in the block folder are usually grayscale, the color is something the game adds on top as you play. I’ve never done it myself, but I believe you can edit the leaf texture to shift the color, or edit the foliage.png item in the color map folder. An easier option is finding a texture pack that changes the leaf colors and copying those into your texture pack.
If the leaf color isn’t showing up in game, that’s a whole other problem I don’t know how to fix.
I am making my own texture pack, and I need to know where to source the sounds from, but the default texture pack doesn’t have the sounds folder in it. Where can I find the source to implement into my own pack?
is the template for bedrock edition
You can get templates for all Minecraft editions. Just click on the download link for the Bedrock edition.
How do I put my pack in Minecraft.
I want to get 1.12.2 pvp pack
Yo so the chests, signs and beds are invisible so like… can u fix it or something
No Tryhard
i love this
Why is this version too old although I downloaded 1.19.3 (the most recent version) ?
The creator has set the wrong pack_format in the MCMETA file. You can change the value from 11 to 12 to fix the incompatibility message. However, this is not absolutely necessary, because the pack also works with the pack_format 11 without any problems.
yoo thank you my dude
Why is there no spawn egg for the allay and other certain mobs? There are some but a lot are missing from the BE pack.
A number of the newer entities don’t have their own dedicated spawn egg textures. Instead, they all reference the same 2 images, a base and overlay texture, and in each entity’s client-side file there is defined a color for the base and overlay.
For example, the Alley:
“format_version”: “1.8.0”,
“minecraft:client_entity”: {
“description”: {
“identifier”: “minecraft:allay”,
. . .
“spawn_egg”: {
“base_color”: “#00daff”,
“overlay_color”: “#00adff”
And then with older entities, such as Zombies:
“format_version”: “1.10.0”,
“minecraft:client_entity”: {
“description”: {
“identifier”: “minecraft:zombie”,
. . .
“spawn_egg”: {
“texture”: “spawn_egg”,
“texture_index”: 12
All of this is fully configurable through resource packs, and can be done for both Vanilla and Custom entities. You can also define custom texture definitions in `item_textures.json` to use as your entity spawn eggs should you wish to. It’s all fairly obvious how it’s done when you look at it.
Where can i find the sounds folder? i looked where it normally is but cant find it
Where we can found “sound” pls!!
Well, obviously, you cant
you can but thats only in 1.15+ versions
why the bedrock files doesnt give you the .mcpack? now its useless
just rename the zip file from .zip to .mcpack.
Help me! Where is the sounds folder? i cant find it!
im not sure, but it mighty be cuz this is listed as a texture pack not a reasorce pack
Ok, but it says this ”As a result, you can now download all blocks, items, and **SOUNDS**, and use them as a template for your own texture pack.” But thank you!
is good
Thank you!! My homemade pack wasnt working for some reason T-T