1024×1024 Texture Packs

Welcome to the world of 1024×1024 texture packs for Minecraft. Most of the packs from this list are fully compatible with the latest Minecraft version. Whether it’s your Minecraft building or the fur of an animal, the increased resolution adds an incredible level of realism. Are you ready to download the best 1024×1024 texture packs? Browse our list now!

Realism Mats Texture Pack
The Realism Mats texture pack has become more and more popular. The success is also completely deserved because the Moroccan developer makes Minecraft so realistic that you almost …
Thumbnail showing bricks from the RealisCraft Texture Pack.
RealisCraft texture pack is one of the most detailed packs you can find. Developed by user Scropio Graphics or known as GalanticCraft, this pack adds much more realistic …
Luna HD texture pack
The Luna HD texture pack was created by an Indian Minecraft fan who earns his living with this project. It’s not always easy to get orders as a …
Stratum Texture Pack
Computers have become more and more powerful in recent years and therefore video games have also become more realistic. To be honest, you can’t include regular Minecraft here, …
MineBricks Texture Pack
LEGO® sets can be found in many children’s rooms around the world. However, video games have also become increasingly popular, including Minecraft. In fact, there are some parallels, …
Umsoea Texture Pack
The Umsoea texture pack delivers ultra-realistic Minecraft graphics with a resolution of up to 2048x. There are only a handful of other packs that transform the game this …
Modern Arch Texture Pack
With its high-resolution textures, custom 3D models, and support for shaders, the ModernArch texture pack has gained followers all over the world. It was developed by two Minecraft …

Limits of a 1024×1024 Texture Pack

It is not possible to play with a 1024×1024 texture pack in Minecraft PE (MCPE) or Bedrock Edition (MCBE). These Minecraft editions are designed to run on low-end mobile devices and game consoles with limited hardware resources. The highest resolution for these editions is 256×256 and sometimes only 128x. Only the Java Edition (MCPC) supports 1024x textures.

But, be warned, playing with a 1024×1024 resource pack requires a high-end PC. The increased resolution demands more processing power and graphics capabilities to ensure high FPS. If you’re serious about elevating your Minecraft game, a gaming computer is a must. However, it is not a problem if you play with a potato computer because we have so many categories on our site that you will definitely find a nice pack.

Also, most of the packs from this category are only available on Patreon and are not free because the developers need money to create such great artwork. By the way, the difference between 1024×1024 and 512×512 texture packs may not be noticeable at first, but with the OptiFine zoom feature and a 4K monitor, you can spot the subtle details.