Minecraft 1.20.6 Texture Packs

Minecraft 1.20.6 fixes trader llama inventory issues! Find out how Mojang tackled this issue and browse the best Minecraft 1.20.6 texture packs. A hotfix means it’s like a quick patch to fix some problems that popped up unexpectedly. Here, you can find a complete list of textures for this update!

Diamond armor from the Armory Conglomery texture pack.
The Armory Conglomery texture pack is a simple but impressive addition for Minecraft. It’s a fantastic vanilla-friendly upgrade that focuses solely on enhancing armor textures. Unlike other packs …
COVEN Texture Pack 1.21 → 1.20
The idea for the COVEN texture pack for Minecraft came from a love for atmospheric medieval packs like John Smith Legacy and Conquest. However, the creator Aetheris always felt …
Minecraft 3D blocks in vanilla style from the Pixlli texture pack.
Pixlli texture pack is a really good option if you want a detailed version of Vanilla Minecraft. Unlike other texture packs that redefine the texture completely, the Pixlli …
Thumbnail showing bricks from the RealisCraft Texture Pack.
RealisCraft texture pack is one of the most detailed packs you can find. Developed by user Scropio Graphics or known as GalanticCraft, this pack adds much more realistic …
Animated RGB inventory in MCPE and Java Edition.
The Animated RGB GUI texture pack lets you add cool RGB lighting to Minecraft. This style is super popular among gamers, with some even designing their entire setups …
Running Minecraft player without and with the Invisible Armor texture pack.
The Invisible Armor texture pack makes all armor and trims fully transparent, allowing your Minecraft skin and outfit to shine through without the bulky look of armor. Not …
No Fog texture pack in a village.
The No Fog texture pack effectively removes all types of this rendering feature across Minecraft’s dimensions, enhancing clarity in the Overworld, Nether, and End. This includes distance fog, …
Colorful and modern GUIs of the crafting table, enchanting table, and cartography table.
The Colourful Containers GUI texture pack for Minecraft is a useful tweak, allowing players to customize the GUI (graphical user interface) without modifying the code. It transforms all …
Creeper in a suit, Iron Golem with a tie, and Zombie in a shirt from the City texture pack.
The City texture pack will make your Minecraft world more interesting with an urban feeling and experience. It is highly recommended for those players who want to build …

What’s Up with Minecraft 1.20.6?

So, you know how sometimes when you’re playing Minecraft, things don’t work quite right? Sometimes even the best texture packs for the Trails & Tales Update are buggy. Well, the guys behind Microsoft’s and Mojang’s Minecraft are always working on new updates and fixing those little issues. This time, they had to fix something that went wonky with trader llamas. Learn more about this in the following text.

What Went Wrong?

If you played 1.20 with this cool trader llama (who doesn’t love those cute, spitting animals?), you’ve loaded it up with all sorts of good items in its inventory. But then, when you update your game to 1.20.5, suddenly some of your stuff disappears from the llama’s inventory! Isn’t that weird?

Items ended up in the wrong slots, and some even vanished into thin air, particularly those nestled in the carpet slot. Don’t fret though; regular llamas were unaffected; it’s the trader llamas feeling the brunt of this mishap.

Thankfully, a player found the bug and posted it in the official bug tracker (MC-271109). With the release of Minecraft 1.20.6 and their new textures, this inconvenience becomes a thing of the past. Now, your trader llamas work as expected.

How to Get the Update for 1.20.6 Texture Packs:

Getting the Minecraft 1.20.6 update is super easy. Just make sure your game is set to automatically update, and it should download the latest version for you. After that, check out our big list of Minecraft 1.20.6 texture packs and resource packs.