Minecraft PE

Author Mojang
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Download Minecraft PE Trails and Tales for Android with a working Xbox Live: Enjoy the tweaks to villager trading, render dragon engine, and diamond ore distribution!

Minecraft Beta

Mojang released the latest beta & preview update on August 3, 2023, Minecraft Two major areas that have been overhauled in this update are the diamond ore distribution and villager trading mechanics. To test these changes, you need to activate experimental gameplay in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition and MCPE. Mojang is eagerly seeking feedback on these alterations, so write a comment at the end of this article!

Tweaks to Librarian Villager Trading

Do you remember how it used to be? Getting any village enchantment from any librarian was a piece of cake, and novices would sell the best enchantments like hotcakes! But the Mojang team heard you loud and clear. It felt a bit too random and overpowered, right? Well, the developers got you covered!

With the new rules, librarians from different biomes now offer distinct enchantments. Plus, master librarians guarantee a unique special enchantment for each Minecraft PE village biome. This means you’ll have to work hard to get those dream trades instead of relying on mere luck. Mojang wants to make librarian trading more engaging and skillful, revealing fascinating details about each village’s history through their enchantments.

So, get ready to explore all seven village biomes to collect the full set of villager enchantments! There are even two secret village biomes that villages don’t generate, and you’ll have to build them yourself to access those exclusive trades. Minecraft PE also made some enchantments rarer in village trading, encouraging you to find them through other exciting means.

The Wandering Trader – A More Exciting Encounter!

Furthermore, Mojang and Microsoft value your opinions, and when you voiced concerns about the wandering trader, the developers listened. The wandering trader now offers lower prices, increased stock for useful items, and guess what? The wandering trader will buy items from you too! That’s right; you can lend a helping hand by supplying them even if you don’t want to make a purchase.

In addition, the wandering trader has expanded its trade list, giving you the chance to get your hands on items like water bottles, water buckets, milk buckets, fermented spider eyes, baked potatoes, and hay bales. Oh, and the trader is now selling logs of any type, enchanted iron pickaxes, and invisibility potions! Isn’t that fantastic? Minecraft PE also tweaked the existing trade prices and amounts to create even better trading gameplay.

Unveiling the Glittering Diamonds!

Calling all diamond miners! The Minecraft PE file got something special for you. In this preview, the amount of diamond ore you can find in the deepest parts of the world increased, especially in the deepslate layers. The goal is to make diamond mining more exciting and rewarding, no matter what technique you prefer. So, whether you’re into strip mining, caving, or something else, we want to hear your thoughts on these changes in the comments. By the way, you should download the XRay texture pack if you want to see all ores in Minecraft caves.

Render Dragon Download

On top of that, we can share exciting news from the Mojang developers with you! They’ve added render dragon again, the graphics engine for Minecraft Bedrock Edition and Minecraft PE, which is now available on all platforms. They’re eager to showcase its potential and want your help to make it even better!

In Minecraft PE, Mojang offers a technical preview of a new “deferred lighting rendering pipeline,” a set of experimental graphical customization features for add-on development. This means you can expect new levels of creative expression in the Trails and Tales update, and they’re keen to make it accessible across all devices.

The render dragon download included in this first beta and preview is incredible. They’ve brought PBR materials (Physically Based Rendering) for blocks and entities, primary lighting from the sun and moon, shadows, bloom, and tone mapping. And this is just the beginning! More features are in the pipeline, and they’re open to suggestions.

Currently, you can experience this preview on Windows PC, Xbox, and Android. They plan to expand to other platforms in the future. As it’s still in development, they haven’t set minimum requirements for PC or Android yet, so performance may vary depending on your device. But don’t worry, they’ll work on optimizing it over time. We recommend high-end smartphones, but you can try playing with low-end devices. If you play with older devices, the FPS will probably be lower.

One thing to note: this is a “technical” beta, so don’t expect polished visuals just yet. It’s all part of the Minecraft render dragon development process, and changes are bound to happen.

Minecraft Wants to Hear from You!

As you venture into the marvelous world of Minecraft PE, remember that the Minecraft team and we can’t wait to hear your thoughts. Your feedback will help to shape the future direction of these features in Minecraft Pocket Edition. So, go ahead, download Minecraft PE with a working Xbox Live and activate experimental gameplay. Your input matters, and together, we’ll continue to make Minecraft better for all!

Video & Screenshots

Watch the video about the update and subscribe to us on YouTube. The screenshots were taken in Minecraft PE with the Bare Bones texture pack.

How to install Minecraft PE

  1. Tap on the MCPE download link to start downloading the APK file. The download may take a few moments depending on your internet speed.
  2. After the installation is complete, you’ll see a confirmation message stating that Minecraft PE has been successfully installed on your device.
  3. Now, you can open the app and start playing Minecraft PE on your Android device.

Minecraft PE Download

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