Minecraft 1.15 Texture Packs

The most striking detail of the Minecraft 1.15 full version is that bees now appear in various places in your game world. So the official name of the update is “Buzzy Bees”, which is self-explanatory. From this point on, we have paid special attention to our Minecraft 1.15 Texture Packs selection, so that new textures such as honeycombs, beehives and honey bottles look especially beautiful. As you’ve come to expect from us before, we’ve made sure that there are no bugs or faulty blocks and items in our collection. Of course, all of the packs listed here are playable without any problems in versions 1.15.1 and 1.15.2. In the end, the structure of the texture packs remains about the same for each current version, except for some minor changes. However, we recommend you to read and have a closer look at our reviews, because every single 1.15 Pack offers different focuses and improvements. It’s best to carefully select a Minecraft Texture Pack and then go to one of the flower forests, where bees’ nests are most likely to spawn. But watch out, the new Minecraft bees can get nasty too!

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