We decided to make a permanent application period because the demand was very high. We are always looking for new people to help make our project Texture-Packs.com even better. By the way, we have our verified YouTube channel, which has over 200,000 subscribers. We also have TikTok, Instagram, and Pinterest accounts that are updated with new content almost daily. Our community is growing constantly and accordingly, we need a big team to take care of everything.
You can apply as a writer, translator, or partner. We don’t have an age limit. Send your application to our email address [email protected]!
Requirements to become a writer:
- You know Minecraft very well
- You are a fan of texture packs (resource packs), shaders, or mods
- Writing texts is very easy for you in English
- No text copying from other websites
- A lot of motivation and time
We expect a short description of yourself and information on how long you have been playing Minecraft. You also have to write an article, which you have written on your own and which is at least 300 words long. The topic of the text should be a texture pack of your choice.

Requirements to become a translator:
- You speak English fluently
- You can speak and write at least one foreign language
- You meet all the requirements for a writer
As a translator, you are a very important team member. Your main task is to translate or proofread texts yourself. Currently, we are looking for motivated people who are fluent in one or more of these languages: Chinese, Spanish, French, Hindi, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, or Russian.
Social Media Partner
Requirements to become a social media partner:
- Owner of a YouTube channel or other social media account
- Willingness to showcase our content in videos or in posts
- Linking to our posts without URL shorteners
As a social media partner, you don’t need a special number of subscribers. The easiest way is to showcase a pack and link to our website in the description. Another option is to create an installation tutorial and upload it. The great thing here is that anyone can become a partner.
Apply Now!
While there are no requirements as to how active you need to be, you should be aware that we expect a lot of commitment. Email us at [email protected] if you feel you are able to join our team. Our team members are gamers who enjoy working together on this big project. Working for us is the ideal opportunity for you to take on responsibility and constantly develop yourself. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We wish you good luck and hope to see you soon on our team!